Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Genetics Reflection

Johann Gregor Mendel. Is considered to be the father of genetics. Genetics are characteristics and traits passed down from parent to offspring, that is why children often look like their parent(s). Genes come in pairs from both parents, genes do not blend. The Law of Dominance says the organism with different forms of genes will bring forth a form that is dominant. Every trait is determined by a gene pair, and each trait has two forms. Visible traits are called phenotypes but each form of a trait are an allele. A pair of alleles create a genotype. The Law of Independent Assortment explains that genes that hold different traits are organized separately from each other so that no other inheritance is not affected. In a gene pair, the dominant gene will appear rather than the recessive gene. But if there is a pair of recessive genes then the recessive gene occurs.

A "gamete" is a cell that fuses with another cell during fertilization. Offspring are conceived when parental
gametes are coupled. Each parent contributes a gamete. A way to keep track of the alleles and gametes is by using the Punnett square.

Cells are the basic unit of life. Robert Hooke discovered square-like bodies in a cork which were actually cells.
In each cell the nucleus carries hereditary material; a nucleus is a dark body in a cell.
Mitosis is a natural event the occurs started when one mother cell has two daughter cells. When an organism is not going through mitosis it is in the inter phase.
The steps of mitosis:


Telophase- During this phase the nuclear material is doubling

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