Wednesday, November 3, 2010


1. Which stage does the following occur
Chromatin condenses into chromosomes: Prophase
Chromosomes align in center of cell.: Metaphase
Longest part of the cell cycle.: Interphase
Nuclear envelope breaks down.: Prometaphase
Cell is cleaved into two new daughter cells.: Cytokinesis
Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles.: Telophase

Watch the video carefully.

2. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the other.

--How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis?: Four

-- How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis?: Eight

--The little green T shaped things on the cell are: Centriole

-- What happens to the centrioles during mitosis? In the process of mitosis, during the interphase, the centrioles divide.

3 . Identify the stages of these cells:

Another Mitosis Animation
Go to

View the animation and describe the cell in:
Centrioles move to the opposite sides of the cell and a spindle fiber network is created. The chromatin condenses into chromosomes and the nucleus fades.

The spindle fibers cause tension that causes a single plane of chromosomes on the metaphase plate.

The daughter chromosomes disperse to the poles and the spindle fibers disappear. The nuclear envelope disappears.

Onion Root Tip

Onion Root Tip and White Fish

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